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Totems hold spiritual significance in many cultures. This structures of slender proportion are seen as emblems of mythical connections between the spiritual and the physical realms. All material phenomena have agency, there is no categorical distinction between the spiritual and material worlds; soul, spirit and sentience exist similarly in humans, animals, plants, rocks, and geographic features such as mountains, oceans, and other entities of the natural environment. Using solely common construction lumber and fire, I re-imagine these ancient symbols through a contemporary shamanistic approach, conjuring into existence structures for post-apocalyptic gods and new means of traversing the connection between the Heavens and Earth.
Charred pressure treated Douglas Fir
11 x 11 x 96 inches
Charred pressure treated Douglas Fir
11 x 11 x 96 inches
Charred pressure treated Douglas Fir, oil based wood stain
11 x 11 x 96 inches
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